You can also use JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler which lets you edit the decompiled code, but it's for advanced users. For example, the value you need to search for would be different than the value you see in the game. Some games are developed in a way that makes it hard to use Cheat Engine. Check the game and you will see your gold changed. Now at the bottom, double click the value and change the value to whatever you want. Double click it (or right click > Add selected addresses to the addresslist). In the list on the left you will see only one value now. Pick a clover and sell it, set the value to 8 in CE and click first scan, pick another clover and sell it, then set the value to 16 and press next scan instead of new scan. Open Cheat Engine, click the far-left icon under the menu bar (the icon is a monitor with a magnifying glass), select Adobe Flash Player 32 then click Open. I just tested it on Five Leaf Clover by giving myself more gold. Applications like cheat engine or otherwise are compatible with flashpoint.