The download bandwidth remains consistently over 40 meg in either case. It always drops to the exact same speed when it happens. It stays like that until I restart the modem, which usually fixes it. On the Draytek Online Status page on the modem it shows a consistent 3199 Kbps down (slower than I'm used to, but workable), and it can be like this for hours then suddenly it'll drop to 266Kbps up (though still reported as SHOWTIME in the status). In case it was the modem at fault I've tried a different modem (Draytek Vigor 130) and I still see the same issue. A router reboot and/or firmware upgrade didn't solve it but a modem reboot (original openreach modem) did, albeit only for a few hours before it would happen again. I'm currently having problems with my BT Infinity 2 FTTC where the upload bandwidth suddenly drops to 266Kbps. The BT support chatbot sent me here as nobody was available to talk to - I hope you can help. So whenever i start downloading anything with utorrent 3.4.2 version when i start new torrent it starts downloading at full normal speed, but after a few seconds it drops to 1 kb/s and stays that way, the only way to fix this is to shut down utorrent via task manager and restart it again, this is very inconvenient for 2 reasons: I have to wait ridiculiuos amounts of time for torrent checking when i restart client as im usually downloading very large files, and second thing is that when i.